Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual: Tachometer

Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual / General information / Meter instruments / Tachometer

The tachometer shows the engine speed in revolutions per minute (r/min, rpm).

On the right side of the tachometer face is a portion called the “red zone”.

Engine r/min (rpm) in the red zone is above maximum recommended engine speed and is also above the range for good performance.

A. Tachometer
A. Tachometer

When the ignition switch is turned to “ON”, the tachometer LED segments are blinks for a few seconds then goes off. If the tachometer does not operate correctly, have it checked by an authorized Kawasaki dealer.


Engine r/min (rpm) should not be allowed to enter the red zone; operation in the red zone will overstress the engine and may cause serious engine damage.

Shift-up Indicator

The shift-up indicator can be set to tachometer LED segments blinks at the desired engine speeds. This indicator is used to inform the rider when it is time to shift to the next higher gear.

This shift-up indicator is used to inform to the rider when it is time to shift to the next higher gear with blinking the tachometer LED segments.

The shift-up indicator can be used in closed course competition. Do not use the shift-up indicator during everyday riding.

Shift-up Indicator Setting

The shift-up indicator has three modes, light off, fast blinking or slow blinking. The shift-up indicator timing can be adjusted between 9 500 r/min (rpm) and 14 000 r/ min (rpm).

Shift-up Indicator Setting

A. Tachometer

B. Adjustable Range

To select a shift-up indicator mode or adjust the shift-up engine speed setting in the tachometer, do the followings while the engine is at a stop.

Shift-up Indicator Setting

A. Upper Button

B. Lower Button

C. Shift-up Engine Speed


Failing to properly observe the road ahead increases the chance of an accident. Do not concentrate on the shift-up indicator by taking your eyes off the road, observe using peripheral vision.

When shifting down to a lower gear, do not shift at such a high speed that the engine r/min (rpm) jumps excessively. Not only can this cause engine damage, but the rear wheel may skid and cause an accident. Downshifting should be done below 5 000 r/min (rpm) for each gear.



Engine r/min (rpm) should not be allowed to enter the red zone; operation in the red zone will overstress the engine and may cause serious engine damage.

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