Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Charging Voltage
If the charging voltage is kept between the values given in the table, the charging system is considered to be working normally.
If the charging voltage is much higher than the values specified in the table, the regulator/rectifier is defective or the regulator/rectifier leads are loose or open.
If the charging voltage does not rise as the engine speed increases, then the regulator/rectifier is defective or the alternator output is insufficient for the loads. Check the alternator and regulator/rectifier to determine which part is defective.
Seat Cover Installation
Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the following.
When installing the pad [A], install it along the corner [B]
as shown in the figure.
When installing the pad [C], align the ends [D], along the
corner [E], and wrap [F] the upper edge of the seat cover.
Install the damper [A] ...
Exhaust Pipe Installation
Replace the exhaust pipe gaskets [A] and premuffler
chamber gasket [B] with new ones.
Install the premuffler chamber gasket to the premuffler
chamber [C] until it is bottomed so that the chamfer side
faces exhaust pipe [D].
Install the exhaust pipe clamp [E] as shown in the figure.
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What Am I Responsible For?
You are responsible for maintaining your vehicle according to the maintenance
schedule shown in this owner’s manual.
You are responsible for notifying your dealer immediately if there is a problem,
and you, as the owner, will need to authorize the dealer to inspect the unit.
You will be re ...