Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Engine Removal

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Removal/Installation / Engine Removal/Installation / Engine Removal


Motorcycle may fall over unexpectedly resulting in an accident or injury. Be sure to hold the front brake when removing the engine.


Be sure to hold the front brake when removing the engine, or the motorcycle may fall over. The engine or the motorcycle could be damaged.

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Put a plank [B] onto the suitable stand for engine balance.

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal

Engine Removal/Installation

Engine Installation
Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the threads of the adjusting collars [A]. Install the adjusting collars to crankcase backside until end of the threads. Install the adjusting co ...

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