Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual: Payload and Tire Pressure

Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual / Maintenance and adjustment / Wheels / Payload and Tire Pressure

Failure to maintain proper inflation pressures or observe payload limits for your tires may adversely affect handling and performance of yourmotorcycle and can result in loss of control. The maximum recommended load in addition to vehicle weight is 180 kg (397 lb), including rider, passenger, baggage, and accessories.


Payload and Tire Pressure

A. Tire Pressure Gauge

Tire Air Pressure (when cold)

Tubeless tires are installed on the wheels of this motorcycle. The indications of “TUBELESS” on the tire side wall and the rim show that the tire and rim are specially designed for tubeless u ...

Tire Wear, Damage
As the tire tread wears down, the tire becomes more susceptible to puncture and failure. An accepted estimate is that 90% of all tire failures occur during the last 10% of tread life (90% worn). ...

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