Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual: High Speed Compression Damping Adjustment

Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual / Maintenance and adjustment / Rear Shock Absorber / High Speed Compression Damping Adjustment


Do not turn the compression damping force adjuster beyond the fully seated position or the adjusting mechanism may be damaged.

High Speed Compression Damping Adjustment

A. Compression Damping Force Adjuster for High Speed

B. To increase damping force

C. To decrease damping force

Compression Damping Force Setting for High and Low Speeds

Compression Damping Force Setting for High and Low Speeds

*: This position is the fully seated position (turned fully clockwise).

**: Out from the fully seated position (turned fully clockwise). This adjustment range may not exactly match the number shown in the table due to small tolerance of production.

The standard suspension setting positions are as follows:

Standard Setting Position (Rear Shock Absorber)

*: Out from the fully seated position (turned fully clockwise)

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