Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual: KIBS Warning Indicator Light (For models equipped with KIBS)

Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual / General information / Meter instruments / Warning/Indicator Lights / KIBS Warning Indicator Light (For models equipped with KIBS)

The yellow warning indicator light in the meter unit functions as the KIBS warning indicator light. The yellow warning indicator light and warning symbol “KIBS” go on if there is a malfunction in the KIBS system. When the warning light is on, the KIBS system stops functioning. However, the ABS still functions normally if the KIBS system fails.

If the yellow warning indicator light and warning symbol “KIBS” go on, you should have the KIBS system checked by an authorized Kawasaki dealer.

KIBS Warning Indicator Light (For models equipped with KIBS)

A. Yellow Warning Indicator light

B. KIBS Symbol

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