WARNING Be sure to hold the front brake when removing the shock absorber, or the motorcycle may fall over. It could cause an accident and injury. |
Raise the rear wheel off the ground with the jack.
Special Tools - Jack: 57001-1238 Jack Attachment: 57001-1608
Remove: Lower Rear Shock Absorber Nut and Bolt [A]
Operating Procedures
Clean the seat area carefully.
Coat the seat with machinist’s dye.
Fit a 45° cutter into the holder and slide it into the valve
Press down lightly on the handle and turn it right or left.
Grind the seating surface only until it is smooth.
Do not grind the seat too ...
Seat Cover Installation
Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the following.
When installing the pad [A], install it along the corner [B]
as shown in the figure.
When installing the pad [C], align the ends [D], along the
corner [E], and wrap [F] the upper edge of the seat cover.
Install the damper [A] ...
Special Tools
Bearing Driver Set:
Bearing Remover Head, 25 × 28:
Bearing Remover Shaft, 13:
Jack Attachment:
57001-1608 ...