Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Subthrottle Valve Actuator Input Voltage Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Self-Diagnosis System / Subthrottle Valve Actuator (Service Code 62) / Subthrottle Valve Actuator Input Voltage Inspection


Be sure the battery is fully charged.

Subthrottle Valve Actuator Input Voltage Inspection

Special Tool - Measuring Adapter: 57001-1700

Connect the peak voltage adapter [D] and a digital meter [E] to the measuring adapter leads.

Special Tool - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415 Type: KEK-54-9-B

Subthrottle Valve Actuator Input Voltage Inspection

Special Tool - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415 Type: KEK-54-9-B

Subthrottle Valve Actuator Input Voltage Connections to Adapter:

(I) Digital Meter (+) → R (actuator BK/O) lead Digital Meter (–) → Battery (–) terminal (II) Digital Meter (+) → BK (actuator G) lead Digital Meter (–) → Battery (–) terminal (III) Digital Meter (+) → W (actuator P/BL) lead Digital Meter (–) → Battery (–) terminal (IV) Digital Meter (+) → Y (actuator Y/BK) lead Digital Meter (–) → Battery (–) terminal

Input Voltage Standard: About DC 8.5 10.5 V and
then 0 V or About DC 8.5 10.5 V

If the reading is in specification, but the actuator does not operate, replace the throttle body assy.

If the reading is out of the specification, remove the ECU and check the wiring for continuity between main harness connector.

Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Disconnect the ECU and actuator connectors.

Subthrottle Valve Actuator Input Voltage Inspection

Wiring Continuity Inspection ECU Connector [A] ←→ Subthrottle Valve Actuator Connector [B] G lead (ECU terminal 15) [C] BK/O lead (ECU terminal 2) [D] P/BL lead (ECU terminal 14) [E] Y/BK lead (ECU terminal 1) [F]

If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).

If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU (see ECU Removal/Installation in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).

Subthrottle Valve Actuator Circuit

Subthrottle Valve Actuator Circuit

1. ECU

2. Subthrottle Valve Actuator

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