Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Throttle Body Assy Holder Removal

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Throttle Body Assy Holder / Throttle Body Assy Holder Removal

Throttle Body Assy Holder Removal

Throttle Body Assy Holder

Throttle Body Assy Holder Installation
Be sure to install the new O-rings [A]. Using a high flash-point solvent, clean off any oil or dirt that may be on the silicone sealant coating area. Dry them with a clean cloth. Apply sili ...

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Exhaust Butterfly Valve Cable Removal
Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter). Open the clamp [A] and free the cables. Slide the dust covers [B]. Loosen the locknuts [A], and turn the adjusters [B] to give the cable plenty of play. Remove the clamp [A]. Remove the up ...

Steering Stem Warp Inspection
Whenever the steering stem is removed, or if the steering can not be adjusted for smooth action, check the steering stem for straightness. If the steering stem [A] is bent, replace the steering stem. Stem Cap Deterioration, Damage Inspection Replace the stem cap if its oil seal [A] s ...

Average Mileage
This display mode shows the average mileage by numerical value counted from the start of measuring to present time. A. Average Mileage B. “AV km/L” While the average mileage is displayed, push the lower button and hold it in until the average mileage values resets to “– ...