Air Intake Solenoid Valve Unit Test (Other than US, CA and CAL Models)
Stick Coil Inspection
Remove the stick coils (see Stick Coil Removal).
Measure the primary winding resistance [A] as follows.
Connect the hand tester between the coil terminals.
Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range, and read the tester.
Measure the secondary winding resistance [B] as follows.
Conn ...
Tire Wear, Damage
As the tire tread wears down, the tire
becomes more susceptible to puncture
and failure. An accepted estimate is
that 90% of all tire failures occur during
the last 10% of tread life (90% worn).
So it is false economy and unsafe to
use the tires until they are bald
In accordance with the ...
Sidestand Removal
Raise the rear wheel off the ground with the stand [A].
Sidestand Switch Bolt [A]
Sidestand Switch [B]
Spring [A]
Sidestand Nut [B]
Sidestand Bolt [C]
Sidestand [D]