Check the following items each day before you ride. The time required is minimal, and habitual performance of these checks will help ensure you a safe, reliable ride.
If any irregularities are found during these checks, refer to the Maintenance and Adjustment chapter or see your dealer for the action required to return the motorcycle to a safe operating condition.
WARNING Failure to perform these checks before operation may result in serious damage or an accident. Always perform daily checks before operation. |
Exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless poisonous gas.
Inhaling carbon monoxide can cause serious brain injury or death.
Do not run the engine in enclosed areas. Operate only in a well-ventilated area.
Fuel ............................. Adequate supply in tank, no leaks.
Engine oil .................... Oil level between level lines.
Tires ............................ Air pressure (when cold):
Install the air valve cap.
Drive chain .................. Slack 25 ∼ 35 mm (1.0 ∼ 1.4 in.).
Lubricate when chain is dry.
Nuts, bolts, fasteners .. Check that steering and suspension components, axles, and all controls are properly tightened or fastened.
Steering ...................... Action smooth but not loose from lock to lock.
No binding of control cables.
Electronic Steering Damper Unit: No oil leakage.
Brakes ........................ Brake pad wear: Lining thickness more than 1 mm (0.04 in.) left.
No brake fluid leakage.
Throttle ....................... Throttle grip play 2 ∼ 3 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.).
Clutch ......................... Clutch lever play 2 ∼ 3 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.).
Clutch lever operates smoothly.
Coolant ....................... No coolant leakage.
Coolant level between level lines (when engine is cold).
Electrical equipment ... All lights (Headlight, Tail/Brake Lights, Turn Signal Lights, Warning/Indicator Lights) and horn work.
Engine stop switch ...... Stops engine.
Side stand ................... Return to its fully up position by spring tension.
Return spring not weak or not damaged.
Balance Weight Installation
Check if the weight portion has any play on the blade [A]
and clip [B].
If it does, discard it.
WARNINGUnbalanced wheels can create an unsafe
condition. If the balance weight has any play on
the rib of the rim, the blade and/or clip have been
stretched. Replace th ...
Fuse Inspection
Remove the fuse.
Inspect the fuse element.
If it is blown out, replace the fuse. Before replacing a
blown fuse, always check the amperage in the affected
circuit. If the amperage is equal to or greater than the
fuse rating, check the wiring and related components for
a short circuit.
Timing Rotor Installation
Install the timing rotor [A] on the crankshaft [B] with their
teeth [C] aligned.
Holding the timing rotor with the flywheel & pulley holder
and tighten the bolt.
Torque - Timing Rotor Bolt: 39 N·m (4.0 kgf·m, 29 ft·lb)
Special Tool - Flywheel & Pulley Holder: 57001-1605
I ...