Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual: Drive Chain

Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual / Maintenance and adjustment / Drive Chain

The drive chain slack and lubrication must be checked each day before riding the motorcycle and must be maintained in accordance with the Periodic Maintenance Chart for safety and to prevent excessive wear. If the chain becomes badly worn or maladjusted - either too loose or too tight - the chain could jump off the sprockets or break.


A chain that breaks or jumps off the sprockets could snag on the engine sprocket or lock the rear wheel, severely damaging the motorcycle and causing it to go out of control. Inspect the chain for damage and proper adjustment before each ride.

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Chain Slack Inspection
Set the motorcycle up on its side stand. Rotate the rear wheel to find the position where the chain is tightest, and measure the maximum chain slack by pulling up and pushing down the c ...

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