Oil Filter Replacement
Upper Crankcase Assembly
When installing the breather plate, replace the gasket [A]
with a new one.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the bolts [A] and tighten them.
Torque - Breather Plate Bolts: 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 87 in·lb)
Install the fitting [A] until it is bottomed ...
Swingarm Bearing, Sleeve Inspection
Do not remove the bearings for inspection. Removal
may damage them.
Inspect the needle bearings [A] and ball bearing installed
in the swingarm.
The rollers and ball in a bearing normally wear very little,
and wear is difficult to measure. Instead of measuring,
visually inspec ...
KIBS Troubleshooting Outline
When an abnormality in the system occurs, the ABS indicator
light (LED) and KIBS indicator light (LED) light up and
the KIBS warning symbol are displayed on the LCD (Liquid
Crystal Display) to alert the rider. In addition, the nature of
the fault is stored in the memory of the KIBS hydraulic uni ...