(For Products Sold in the United States of America, District of Columbia, and U.S. Territories Only)
If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying Kawasaki Motors Corporation, U.S.A.
If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or Kawasaki Motors Corporation, U.S.A.
To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-800 -424-9393 (or 366-0123 in Washington, D.C. area) or write to: NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the Hotline.
Environmental protection
To help preserve the environment, properly discard used batteries, tires, oils and fluids, or other vehicle components that you might dispose of in the future. Consult your authorized Kawasaki dealer or local environmental waste agency for their proper disposal procedure. This also applies to disposal of the entire vehicle at the end of its life.
Maintenance record
Owner Name
Phone Number
Engine Number
Vehicle Number
Key Code
Selling Dealer Name
Phone Number
Warranty Start Date
Note: Keep this information and a spare key in a secure location.
Battery Installation
Place the battery in the battery case.
Connect the (+) cable to the (+) terminal,
and then connect the (–) cable
to the (–) terminal.
Installing the (–) cable to the (+)
terminal of the battery or the (+)
cable to the (–) terminal of the
battery can seriously damaged
Stem, Stem Bearing Installation
Replace the bearing outer races with new ones.
Drive them into the head pipe at the same time.
Special Tools - Head Pipe Outer Race Press Shaft [A]:
Head Pipe Outer Race Driver,
55 [B]: 57001
-1446 or Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
Apply grease to the outer races.
Front Fork Inspection
Holding the brake lever, pump the
front fork up and down several times
to inspect smooth stroke.
Visually inspect the front fork for oil
leakage, scoring or scratches on the
outer surface of the inner tube.
If any doubt about the front fork, it
should be checked by an authorized
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