Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Throttle Control System Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Periodic Maintenance / Periodic Maintenance Procedures / Fuel System (DFI) / Throttle Control System Inspection

If the free play is incorrect, adjust the throttle cables.

Throttle Grip Free Play Standard: 2 3 mm (0.08
0.12 in.)

If the throttle grip does not return properly, check the throttle cables routing, grip free play, and cable damage. Then lubricate the throttle cable.

If the idle speed increases, check the throttle cable free play and the cable routing.

Throttle Control System Inspection

If necessary, adjust the throttle cable as follows.

Throttle Control System Inspection

If the free play can not be adjusted with the adjusters, replace the cable.

Fuel System (DFI)

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