Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Camshaft, Camshaft Chain / Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear Inspection

Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear Inspection


Do not turn the camshaft when the plastigage is between the journal and camshaft cap.

Camshaft Journal/Camshaft Cap Clearance Standard: 0.038 ∼ 0.081 mm (0.0015 ∼ 0.0032 in.) Service Limit: 0.17 mm (0.0067 in.)

If any clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the diameter of each camshaft journal with a micrometer.

Camshaft Journal Diameter Standard: 23.940 ∼ 23.962 mm (0.9425 ∼ 0.9434 in.) Service Limit: 23.91 mm (0.9413 in.)

If the camshaft journal diameter is less than the service limit, replace the camshaft with a new one and measure the clearance again.

If the clearance still remains out of the service limit, replace the cylinder head unit.

Camshaft Installation
NOTE The exhaust camshaft has a 1001 EX mark [A] and the intake camshaft has a 3154 IN mark [B]. Be careful not to mix up these shafts. Install the camshaft sprockets as shown in the figure ...

Camshaft Runout Inspection
Remove the camshafts (see Camshaft Removal). Set the camshaft in a camshaft alignment jig or on V blocks. Measure the runout with a dial gauge at the specified place as shown in the figure. ...

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