Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If the tester readings are not as specified, replace the regulator/rectifier.
Use only Kawasaki Hand Tester 57001-1394 for this test. A tester other than the Kawasaki Hand Tester may show different readings.
If a megger or a meter with a large capacity battery is used, the regulator/rectifier will be damaged.
Regulator/Rectifier Resistance (Unit: kΩ)
(−)*: Tester (−) Lead Connection
Charging System Circuit
1. Ignition Switch
2. Load
3. Regulator/Rectifier
4. Alternator
5. Frame Ground
6. Starter Relay
7. Main Fuse 30 A
8. Battery
Crankcase Splitting
Remove the engine (see Engine Removal in the Engine
Removal/Installation chapter).
Set the engine on a clean surface and hold the engine
steady while parts are being removed.
Cylinder Head (see Cylinder Head Removal in the Engine
Top End chapter)
Starter Motor (see Starter M ...
Dimmer Switch
High or low beam can be selected
with the dimmer switch. When the
headlight is on high beam ( ), the
high beam indicator light goes on.
High beam.......( )
Low beam.......( )
When the headlight is on high beam,
both headlights go on. When the
headlight is on low beam, only one
headl ...
Radiator and Radiator Fan Removal
Upper Fairing Assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly
Removal in the Frame chapter)
Coolant (Drain, see Coolant Change in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter)
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Coolant Reserve Tank (see Coolant R ...