Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: KIBS Hydraulic Unit Installation

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Brakes / KIBS (Equipped Models) / KIBS Hydraulic Unit Installation


Brake fluid quickly ruins painted plastic surfaces; any spilled fluid should be completely washed away immediately.

If there is any damage, replace the damaged parts with new ones.

KIBS Hydraulic Unit Installation

KIBS Hydraulic Unit Removal
NOTICE The KIBS hydraulic unit [A] has been adjusted and set with precision at the factory. Therefore, it should be handled carefully, never struck sharply, as with a hammer, or allowed to fall on ...

KIBS Hydraulic Unit Inspection
Remove the KIBS hydraulic unit (see KIBS Hydraulic Unit Removal). Visually inspect the connector terminals [A]. Replace the KIBS hydraulic unit or main harness if either of the terminals ar ...

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