This mode gives priority to reading the gear position rather than the speedometer reading.
The gear position indicator can be displayed at the position of the speedometer on the normal mode.
Also the speedometer is displayed instead of the clock on the normal mode.
This mode can be used in closed course competition. Do not use this mode during everyday riding.
A. Gear Position Indicator (Race Mode Display)
B. Speedometer (Race Mode Display)
The gear position indicator display mode can be shifts while the motorcycle is at a stop:
Operating Procedures
Clean the seat area carefully.
Coat the seat with machinist’s dye.
Fit a 45° cutter into the holder and slide it into the valve
Press down lightly on the handle and turn it right or left.
Grind the seating surface only until it is smooth.
Do not grind the seat too ...
Exploded View
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
Lh: Left-hand Threads
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution.
(mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disulfide grease in a weight ratio
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified t ...
Torque Limiter Installation
Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the torque limiter
shaft [A].
Install the torque limiter [B], the collar [C] and the shaft.
Turn the large-hole end of the shaft to inside as shown in
the figure.
Replace the washer [D] with a new one.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the t ...