Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Final Drive

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Periodic Maintenance / Periodic Maintenance Procedures / Final Drive

Wheel Bearing Damage Inspection
Raise the front wheel off the ground with the jack (see Front Wheel Removal in the Wheels/Tires chapter). Special Tools - Jack: 57001-1238 Jack Attachment: 57001-1608 Turn the handlebar a ...

Drive Chain Lubrication Condition Inspection
If a special lubricant is not available, a heavy oil such as SAE 90 is preferred to a lighter oil because it will stay on the chain longer and provide better lubrication. If the chain appears ...

Other materials:

Engine Installation
Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the threads of the adjusting collars [A]. Install the adjusting collars to crankcase backside until end of the threads. Install the adjusting collar [A] to the frame until end of the threads. Replace the engine mounting nuts with ne ...

Fuel Injector Output Voltage Inspection
NOTE Be sure the battery is fully charged. Turn the ignition switch to OFF. Remove the ECU (see ECU Removal). Do not disconnect the ECU connector Connect a digital meter [A] to the connector (gray) [B] with the needle adapter set. Special Tool - Needle Adapter Set: 57001-1457 ...

Fuel Hose Inspection (fuel leak, damage, installation condition)
If the motorcycle is not properly handled, the high pressure inside the fuel line can cause fuel to leak [A] or the hose to burst. Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter) and check the fuel hoses. Replace the fuel hose if any fraying, cracks [B] or ...