Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Master Cylinder

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Brakes / Master Cylinder

Rear Brake Pad Installation
Check that the pad spring is in place on the caliper. Push the caliper piston in as far as it will go. Install the piston side pad [A] first, and then another pad. Fit the brake pad end into ...

Front Master Cylinder Removal
Remove the reservoir mounting bolt and nut [A]. Unscrew the banjo bolt [A] and disconnect the brake hose from the master cylinder (see Brake Hose and Pipe Replacement in the Periodic ...

Other materials:

Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal (Service Code 27)
Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal Inspection The front wheel rotation sensor sends the signal to the ECU through the KIBS hydraulic unit (KIBS equipped models). For other than KIBS equipped models, the signal is sent directly to the ECU. The ECU uses the wheel rotation sensor signal for KTRC ...

Warning Symbols
: The red warning indicator light and the oil pressure warning symbol (  ) goes on whenever the oil pressure is dangerously low or the ignition switch is in the “ON” position with the engine not running, and go off when the engine oil pressure is high enough. Refer to the Mainten ...

Rear Sprocket Removal
Remove the rear wheel (see Rear Wheel Removal in the Wheels/Tires chapter). NOTICE Do not lay the wheel on the ground with the disc facing down. This can damage or warp the disc. Place blocks under the wheel so that the disc does not touch the ground. Remove: Rear Sprocket Nu ...